Index of values

add [Hweak.S]
add tbl key x adds a binding of k to x in table t.

clear [Hweak.S]
Remove all elements from the table.
count [Hweak.S]
create [Hweak.S]
create n creates a new empty weak hash table, of initial size n.

find [Hweak.S]
find tbl key returns the current binding of k in t if any, otherwise raise Not_found
find_all [Hweak.S]
find tbl key returns the current binding of k in t if any, otherwise raise Not_found
fold [Hweak.S]
fold f tbl init computes (f kN dN ... (f k1 d1 init)...), where k1 ... kN are the keys of all bindings in tbl, and d1 ... dN are the associated values.

iter [Hweak.S]
iter f tbl applies f to all bindings in table tbl.

mem [Hweak.S]
mem tbl x checks if x is bound in tbl.
merge [Hweak.S]
merge tbl key x returns the current binding of k in t if any, or else adds a bindding of k to x in the table and return x.

remove [Hweak.S]
remove tbl x removes the current binding of x in tbl.
replace [Hweak.S]
replace tbl key x replace the current binding of key in table t by a binding from key to x.

stats [Hweak.S]
some statistic function